Friday, November 21, 2008

Vola! A while back when I first heard all the chirps in my mailbox, I should've realized why.

The instantaneous posting of twiting is very appealing for someone who needs an answer desperately or impatiently, like we often observe from behind the Reference post (I don't think we want to call it a "desk" any more, that's so old fashioned, isn't it? and we may call "reference" something entirely differently, as well, as time progresses or someone's ingeniety sparks), but I'm uncertain the time it takes to transmit an answer can make up for the time it takes to find a reputable answer to a quiry. One good use the library should exploit of twitter, along with some noise suppresors, is to get all the good-library-behavior-challenged people to twit--a good place to congregate and socializing without creating a havoc for other quietness seeking library users.
What can I say. One can always dream. And the dream may come true.


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